Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Missing The Moment

When you look at the sunset
Beautiful sunset over the ocean

You are awed at the shear beauty
Magnificence of it all

Not thinking about the how
Or why or what sequence of events

Just enjoying the view
Without intellectualizing it

Which should and must be
How we approach God

Since although sunsets
Can be explained and understood

We cannot dare to think
Or be so bold as to believe

That one can intellectualize God
And understand Him

Missing the moment
The chance to accept

The presence

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Covid still going strong
No end in site
Young and old alike
Except children for some reason
Thank God

Everyone chiming in
To say something about life
Acknowledging the reality
Yet unwilling to concede
Perhaps too fearful to face

Death that is inevitable
A certainty indisputable
Fate of human kind
And all living things
Too proud to admit

Too proud to believe
There is power beyond
Life beyond death
In Jesus Christ
Choosing rather to face

Death alone
Without insurance
Without peace
Without hope