Sunday, April 12, 2020

Cast Away

Time will come
When even when wanted
They cannot see

Yet now
When they can see
They are cast away

Eager to forget
To hasten the inevitable
Impatient to wait

Like a crumpled receipt
Old worn out tire
Broken jar

As such is the way
Of foolish children
To their aged

But time will come
When they too
Are aged

And cast away
Surely will be for certain
Like the sun rising in the east

Cast away
Like a trash

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

In April

Oh what a March
To be remembered
In the year 2020

Covid-19 pandemic
Slowly but surely
Spreading like wildfire

Death in every corner
World coming to a halt
Grasping for air

May God be merciful
Bring peace and tranquility
To this sinful world

In April