Sunday, March 29, 2020

In The Midst Of Chaos

What will it take
For the world to repent

World wars?
Natural disasters?

Is there anyone
Like the prophet

Who can proclaim
Point out the wrongs

And demand repentance
From this world

It will only be futile

Since world will not repent
Even if Jonah were to return

So the only way to salvation
Is by the blood

Of Jesus Christ
Who died for our sins

And whosoever believes in Him
Will be saved

Find peace and tranquility
In the midst of chaos

Saturday, March 7, 2020

And The Fear Of Death

Corona virus
Who would have guessed
Foreseen such a hysteria and panic
Global anxiety
For the possibility of premature death

One thing is clear
No one wants to die early
Although everyone knows
Death is certain

Eating the right food
Exercising regularly
Doing everything in his or her
Own power hoping to extend the life

Yet the death comes knocking
Via the unseen microscopic virus
Threatening the length of life
He or she hopes to achieve
As long as possible

So fearful of the fate
That is to come for sure
Not if but when
Hoping just not tomorrow

Not knowing the fact that
No matter how hard one tries
To extend the life on this earth
The days are numbered
It is for certain

Corona virus or not
It is not the fear of death
But what comes after
The uncertainty of after death
That drives a man or a woman

To cling to this life
For dear life hanging on to
The face mask
And the fear of death