Sunday, January 26, 2020

Let Tears Fall

How can one explain
Why the mountain is so high
Ocean so deep
From where the wind came
And to where it is going

How do you measure
Greatness of a man certainly
Not by what he has achieved
Not by his lack of failures
Nor by his wealth

But by the genuine sadness
Of his passing even
To those who have never known him
Or ever played the game of basketball
Heart stricken by grief


Who never could or tried
To hide the fact that
Despite all his achievements
He is
Human after all

Will truly be missed by many
None more than family and friends
Remembered by generations to come
As a man who was not only a champion
But someone who genuinely

Tried his best to be good
And was good
Genuine and humble
Human being

Kobe Bryant
And his precious daughter
And all others on board
Gone too soon
Too unexpectedly

May God be with him
And his family
And all the passengers
And their families
On this sad day

Let tears fall

Friday, January 17, 2020

Magically Vanishes Into Thin Air

Trying to solve the unsolvable
The society keeps on pursuing
To find that perfect diet program
That allows you to lose weight
While eating all you want

Just change what you eat
Not how much
Or how often
Eat this over that and so on
And exercise

Protein diet
Fat diet
Carb diet
Binge diet
But don't stop eating

Somehow or other it seems
The laws of physics do not apply
When it comes to losing weight
So that the energy consumed
Magically vanishes into thin air

Determined not to advertise
The one fact that is the key
To solving the weight gain problem
Which is decreasing the desire to eat
Promoting eating less

But no restaurant tells you
Please order half
No advertisement tells you
The food is not delicious
The portion is too much
That you don't need it

It is all about buy buy buy
Order more
Eat more
Try it and you'll love it
And come back for more

And they are the same people
Behind the diet programs
That tell you don't stop eating
But just change what you eat
Like their own protein drink

It truly is an uphill battle
For those who love to eat
But unless the desire to eat goes away
No matter what diet program
No matter what exercise program
There really is no way

To defy the laws of physics

Thursday, January 16, 2020

About That Person

This whole situation is
How should a Vulcan describe it
Very fascinating

How some adults
Going well into or beyond
The middle age or past it
Become more and more
Self unaware

Like the naked emperor
Oblivious to reality
Out of touch with reality
Lacking reality check
Failing reality check

Except since almost all
Around them is the same way
What is abnormal becomes the norm
And what used to be the norm
Becomes abnormal

Soon to be nothing abnormal
Except those who think
There is something abnormal
About that person

Monday, January 6, 2020

The End

Why do people climb mountains
To get to the top?
That cannot be the reason
It is merely an end point

Why do people go fishing
To catch the fish?
That cannot be the reason
Fishes are a plenty at the markets

Then why do people
Climb mountains
Go fishing
Explore the jungle

Spend entire lives
Doing research
Pursuing some activity
Over and over and over
Akin to addiction to drugs

It is not to reach the summit
Nor catch a fish
But to have a purpose in life
Be it momentarily
Until next mountain or fishing trip
Or next round of golf

The never ending endeavor
To maintain purpose in being
As life without purpose
Is meaningless

The end