Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ignorance Is Bliss

It never ceases to amaze
How little people know
Of themselves 
Their thoughts
Whether it is right or wrong
Their actions
What they are saying louder than words
And what they are speaking
What they are actually saying other than
The words coming out of their mouths

Such that when a third or
Even second person looking at them
Sees the actions performed or 
Hear the words said
They immediately understand
The stupidity and absurdness 
Of it all

Yet the person who is actually doing
Or saying the things 
Have no idea of its stupidity 
And wacky nature of it 

With no self reflection ever
Like a person with stains on their face
Having no idea about it
Never having seen it 
Never suspecting it
Not knowing what mirror is
Or knowing what reflection is

Going about their business
Doing all sorts of foolish things
Making all sorts of preposterous statements
Pretty much proclaiming to the world
Ignorance is bliss

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Person Down The Street

Little things make a difference
People do say

Surely enough
An unsolicited smile

Small gift
A helping hand

Can make a day brighter
Happier for most people

Who can attest to also
Little things ruining their day

Too much work
One minute past the hour

Ignoring gesture
Condescending colleague

Making the whole day lousy
Feeling unhappy

For such people whose days are
Made or broke by little things

Their lives are like the roller coaster
Up and down and down and up

So much dependent on outside factors
Like a canoe in the turbulent waters

Unable to maintain peace and
Happiness during the normal course of life

Blaming everyone and everything
For their unhappiness

As if the whole world and people
Surrounding their daily lives

Have the responsibility and duty
To make their lives happy

As if they are the princes
And princesses of this world

Until one day
If that day ever comes

When they realize
They are really nobody

No better than a homeless
Person down the street

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Such Is The Fate Of A Man

Who can possibly know
When the water drops out of the cloud
Where it is going to land

Who can possibly know
When the butterfly flies about
Where it is going to rest

Who can possibly know
When the diamond is mined
Where it is going to be set

Such is the fate of a man
Who cannot possibly know
The infinite wisdom of God