Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Is The Happy Man

You give out a hamburger
One man is happy
Next man is sad
Another is angry
Yet another is offended
While this man is leaving
And another is shaking his head

You give out another burger
One man is nervous
Next man is depressed
Another is suspicious
Yet another is scared
While this man is refusing
And another is rolling his eyes

The burger not being at fault
Hardly the fault of any burger
The only man who enjoyed
A nice satisfying meal
Is the happy man

Saturday, May 11, 2019


It doesn't take a genius
To drive a Ferarri
It takes a rich person
But not a genius

It doesn't take a genius
To believe in God
It takes a humble person
But not a genius

It doesn't take a genius
To not believe in God
It takes a proud person
But not a genius

In fact
It doesn't take a genius
To accomplish or do
Almost all things in life

But it does take a genius
To know when him or herself
Is being an absolute