Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Hidden Insecurity

If student fails
It's the fault of the school

If restaurant fails
It's the fault of location

If relationship fails
It's the fault of the other

If promotion fails
It's the fault of the boss

If competition fails
It's the fault of the coach

If anything fails
It's the fault of something

Or someone or anything
But himself or herself

Such that their mind filled
With inflated self worth

Is not shattered to expose
The hidden insecurity

Friday, January 25, 2019

Except His Own

How fickle is the man
Whose mind sways
Like the reed in the wind
Any which direction

How evil is the man
Who finds satisfaction
In exerting evil
Upon another man

How stupid is the man
Who strives to sail the sea
Hangs sail on all the ships
Except his own

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

No Merchant Sells An Item

You get what you pay for
People often say
And no one hardly disagrees

But once in a while
You get much more
Than what you paid for

And at other times
Much less

Assuming that everyone
Expects just enough
Based on the price paid

Which is seldom the case
Always hunting for a bargain
Great deals

Trying to defy the old adage
You get what you pay for

Monday, January 7, 2019

Indeed Is A Truly Preposterous

How amazing is life
That sense of self awareness
Freedom to think
Feel pain and joy

To love
To know that you are
Alive and living
Wanting to live

Some pains are too
Hard to bear in life
Feelings too sad to go on
Driving one to end it

But most will cling
For dear life to go on
To continue the state
Of being alive

Until inevitably all
Not even one spared
Who are alive now or
The future

Face the end
The last sun rise
The last breadth
Not even one spared

But those who accept
Jesus Christ as the lord
And savior who died for
Your sins and damnation

Will live forever in heaven
In peace love and harmony
Without sadness or death
Forever and ever

Which is not one bit less
Amazing or more preposterous
Than to believe that
In this vast universe

With billions and billions
Of galaxies and stars
Somehow you are self aware
Alive on this planet

By chance and sheer luck
Of evolution
Born to live and die
To enjoy a momentary spirit

Indeed is a truly preposterous
Meaningless and unbelievable
Hopeless notion
That has no basis on truth