Monday, December 31, 2018

No Time

Matter can be converted into energy
As Einstein has proved

Which means in theory
Energy can be converted into matter

But what about time
What is time but a measure of
Point A to point B

A byproduct of matter
And energy

No matter
No energy
No time

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Regarding Many Things

Another year goes by
Like the airplane
That passes over your head

And another year of wasted
Attempts to convince Christians
That God's views are wrong

Regarding many things
From the perspective of

The grand display of foolishness
The degree of arrogance
The proud human soul

In the face of death
That is sure to come
Soon or later

Not realizing the fact
That the opinion of a tree
Is irrelevant in the face of an ax

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

As A Consolation

If there is one good outcome
That is evident from all chaos and
Confusion in Trump White House

Is that whatever is happening
In your own place of occupation
Does not seem all that terrible

Compared to the ugly drama
That is ensuing in Washington
And yet to surface in DC Metro

In fact it may very well
Pale in comparison

For whatever it may be worth
As a consolation

Monday, December 10, 2018

Beyond Your Control

As far as misconceptions go
None is more misguided than
Thinking that each individual
Is in control of his or her destiny

The future that lies ahead
The schools one will attend
Occupations and jobs attained
Health and longevity of life

So many will try
And try they must as none
Will win the race without
Preparation and hard work

But so many will fail
To attain what they hoped
Not because of lack of effort
Nor lack of accomplishments

But the door did not open
The opportunity did not come by
Just did not happen perhaps
At the wrong time and place

Like so many professional
NBA players each with exceptional
Abilities to reach even that far
Not winning a championship

None can take credit
For what has been given
That may seem absolutely
Credit worthy to self

Without taking into account
That even with the best
Of the best in fishing pole
Line and bait

The end result is
Beyond your control