Tuesday, November 27, 2018

And For Some People

In mathematics
A negative multiplied by
Another negative
Results in a positive

And for some people
This formula apparently
Is applied to their daily activities

So that one bad deed
After another is performed
Thinking the result will be positive

Without realizing that
With every negative deed performed
They are not really multiplying

But adding

That One Bad Apple

The problem is not

That one bad apple
Can ruin the whole bunch

But the corollary to
The above that states

There is always one
In a bunch

Sunday, November 18, 2018

If You Love Your Enemy

It is hard to love your enemy
The one who is trying hard
To destroy and harm you
The one who feels pleasure
In seeing you suffer

But that is what you must do
As a Christian
Follower of Jesus Christ
For the one who is trying desperately
To destroy and hurt you

Is the one who will ultimately be
Destroyed and hurt for eternity
In hell separated from God
In utter darkness and loneliness
Forever and ever

So pray you must such that
Salvation may be granted
Even unto them by grace
By the power of Holy Spirit
Leading them to repentance

If you love your enemy

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Lonely Helpless

There are those who cook
And those who eat

There are those who make music
And those who listen

There are those who paint
And those who perceive

There are those who write
And those who read

The former creates
And the latter enjoys

But there are those who
Always seek to destroy

Constantly pursuing evil
For the sake of warped logic

Based on self importance
And righteousness

Those who cannot even for one iota
Tolerate good fortune of others

Lacking humility
Devoid of wisdom

A lonely helpless
Lost soul

Saturday, November 3, 2018

At The Crossroad

Free will is simply
The ability for you
To either go left or right
At the crossroad

In any particular situation
One encounters in life
As many situations there are
As crossroads are in the world

Not all however
Are faced with same 
Particular crossroads in life
Maybe similar but not quite the same

Therein lies the limitations
Of free will