Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Salt As Sugar

Democracy is only
As good as
The people who vote

Like the dish is only
As good as
The chef who prepares it

The only difference being
The chef will never
Mistake salt for sugar

Whereas the people
Will continuously define
Salt as sugar
And sugar as salt

Sunday, October 21, 2018

When In Fact

It is amazing
How some medical doctors
Despite having same degree
M. D. 

Believe somehow that
Their license from the state
Is gold plated with special 
Privileges to be an idiot

Not knowing that no one
Especially other doctors
Will respect them any more
Than the respect they receive

So they go on and on
With their narcissistic attitude 
Putting others down
Believing their status on top
Of the pedestal is secure

When in fact
Everyone including their gardeners
Consider them fools
Worth less than a piece of gum
Stuck under their shoes

Including The Truth

Some say the root of all
Evil is love of money
And no one can deny that
Love of money is the root
For a lot of evil

But what about those
Who have so much money
And money is no longer an objective
Like so many rich people
Filthy rich people in this world

Are they all saints?
Quite the contrary as most
Really really rich folks
Don't even believe in God
And they do truly bad things
In the sight of God

Then what is the root
Of all evil?
It is no doubt the devil
Who makes man to seek
Money fame and power
Above all things

Including the Truth

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Will Seem Farfetched

There you have it

The new supreme court justice 

Like it or not

For life

A hard fought confirmation 

Like a man running for President 

Except there's only one nomination 

Which almost guarantees a showdown 

Had there been two or three

None of this embarrassing fiasco

Would have occurred to this degree

As there must be others equally qualified 

Even the office of the President 

Has two candidates 

Why not Supreme Court Justice 

So that sexual misconduct by both 

Will seem farfetched