Saturday, July 14, 2018

It Is No Wonder Then

Ever wonder why
The world is so difficult
For so many people?

There are the I I I people
Then there are I am so great people
And also the look at me people

Plus the that is unfair people
And I am better than you people
How dare you people

Mr or Ms know it all people
I am so proud people
Self righteous people

Arrogant people
Always condescending people
Your grass cannot be greener people

I am in control people
Do as I say people
I am always right people

You must be stupid people
I feel threatened people
I hate you people

I will pay you back people
You will pay for this people
I hope you die people

It is no wonder then
Why the world is so difficult
For so many people

Friday, July 13, 2018

Conservation of Energy

The mere belief in
Conservation of energy
Is proof in itself
That the entire universe

And whatever was before
The beginning of universe
With all of the energy in existence
Including time itself

Could not have had
The beginning
As nothing could have
Just emerged from nothing

Which means time and energy
Has no beginning or ending
Only the mere presence
Of God the I Am

That can explain
The existence of now
And the known life
And universe