Sunday, December 31, 2017

To See The Truth

Another year goes by
Like a gust of wind
No matter how good
No matter how bad
Rich or poor
Educated or uneducated
Pretty or ugly
Strong or weak
Tall or short
Fit or unfit

No matter what race
No matter what gender
Happy or sad
Angry or calm
Nice or unpleasant
Humble or arrogant
Honest or dishonest

Faithful or unfaithful
Wise or foolish
Saved or unsaved

No matter what anything
The year goes by
Then another
And another

Without pause
Without delay
Without rewind
Without fast forward

Until it is time
To see the truth

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Doing Exact Opposite

Who can fathom the wisdom of God
Who made the Earth and the Heaven
All living creatures
And man and woman

How can anyone lengthen a day
Or even one minute
Of their allotted time on this Earth
And take the credit for its length

What good is faith
If it cannot move mountains
Or walk on water
Heal the sick

Loud is the proclamation
Of faith and love
Only where there is no challenge
To their faith or love

Hatred overshadowing love
Greed overshadowing generosity
Arrogance overshadowing humility
Doubt overshadowing faith

Not knowing their God
Is also the God of their neighbor
Doing exact opposite
Of what was told

Matthew 16:25

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Only Point In Time

When a person is young
The mind ages faster
Than actual physical age
And call it mature

When a person is old
The body ages faster
Than the mind 
And call it immature

At some point in between
The age of the body
And the age of the mind
Coincides before crossing over

Exactly at which point
This occurs varies 
From person to person
Young to old

Depending on how mature
Or immature that person is
Relative to how physically young
Or old that person is in age

The only point in time
Where the body and the mind
Is in harmony

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Free From The Chains

The sooner you realize
No one really gives shit
About what you wear
Where you live
Or what you have

Other than showing
Perfunctory short lasting
Ooh aah or wow
That bears as much meaning
As a rock sitting on a hill
Albeit perhaps
With fleeting satisfaction

The sooner you will stop
Trying to impress others
Living life for other people
And start living life
Without wasting so much
Time, money, and energy

Free from the chains
Of vanity
Or conspicuity