Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Cast The First Stone

So it begins
One after another
Like the domino
Falling onto the next one
Then the one after
On and on until
The last domino has fallen

Obviously no one cares
When it comes to retribution
Other than to punish whoever
Is on deck whose secrets are
Promulgated while their own
Secrets are guarded and hidden

No one daring to remember
What Jesus said
That the one who has no sin
Cast the first stone

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

But Lo And Behold

There is proper way
Of doing almost all things
Like the triple axle jump
Placing roof tiles
Taking appendix out
Climbing a mountain

Not because someone
Just decided to call it proper
But as a result of many many
Years of refinement
Having made countless mistakes
Leading to best result possible

Such that if one followed
Instructions of proper method
Same mistakes would not be made
Time certainly not wasted
And results would be satisfying

But lo and behold
More like no and lament
People do not follow such instructions
Have no desire to follow
Have no understanding why
And have no respect for proper ways
Blatantly disregarding such ways

Ending up with a disaster
Let alone perfections
Either having to live with
Less than satisfying outcomes
Or start all over again
Having wasted so much time

What is this but a human folly
The fruit of human arrogance
Hopeless human pride
And stubbornness

Monday, November 13, 2017

Or Hell

Looks can be deceiving
Beautiful on the outside
But ugly on the inside

Knowledge can be deceiving
Rendering one to feel smart
Yet lacking wisdom

Money can be deceiving
As the key for happiness
That it cannot buy

Love can be deceiving
That often leads to marriage
Ending up in divorce

Life can be deceiving
With inevitable death
Only to live again

Forever in heaven
Or hell