Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Of The Russian Meddling

As far as one who is not in politics
But old enough to vote
And read the breaking news
Surfing the internet
Can recall without much effort

The tape about groping woman
Marking rental applications based on race
Claims of inauguration crowd size
Shoving another leader at G20
Firing director of FBI
Tweeter storms
Fake news claims
Charlottesville blame on both sides
Now Arizona rally showdown

And many more such a person
Who is not in politics
Cannot recall

It would not be out of the question
By now that even the Russians
If they had not already colluded with Trump
Would wish they had done it
To provide evidence to end
This misery in the white house

Before the whole situation
Truly gets out of hand
In which case the only saving grace
However ironic it may be
Is the collusion evidence
To get Team Trump out
Of the Russian meddling

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Worthy Of A Victory Lap

Yes he has done it
The leader of DPRK
After decades of trying
Finally garnered a response
Worthy of a victory lap
From mighty leader of America
None other than Donald Trump

Fire and fury

Now you can comfortably say
Only Trump can engage Kim
Like only Nixon can go to China

Sanctions or not
This dynamic duo 
Is sure to be passed down
In the history of the world
As the most unsophisticated
The most unrefined
WTF leaders

Who should not waste time
In engaging in war of words
But rather spend all their free time
In couples therapy

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Matter Only Of Time

If a year goes by like a month
A month goes by like a week
And a week goes by like a day

Then you need to stop
And slow the passage of time

So a day goes by like a week
A week goes by like a month
And a month goes by like a year

A matter only of time
And awareness