Thursday, July 27, 2017

Time For Election

There it goes
The Skinny Repeal
Down the drain
After all the promises
To repeal Obama Care

The zeal nothing to do
With the care itself
But everything to do
With the prefix Obama


Act 547
Take 843


Act 2061
Take 1744


That's a wrap
Time for election

Dumb Fool

One of the hallmarks
Of a dumb arrogant fool
No matter what their profession
Level of education
Or status

Is to think that they can
Command respect
While not respecting others

Dumb fool

Being A Control Freak

It all boils down to
Everybody's innate desire
To exert control
That creates havoc
In everyday life

Boyfriends trying to control girlfriends
Girlfriends trying to control boyfriends
Husbands trying to control wives
Wives trying to control husbands
Bosses trying to control employees
Teachers trying to control students
Preachers trying to control congregation
Parents trying to control children
President trying to control congress
Congress trying to control president
Media trying to control news
Public trying to control media

Even the restaurants are trying to control
What the customers eat
Car manufacturers
What you drive
What you wear

Everyone trying to control
Everyone denying
Being a control freak

Saturday, July 8, 2017

And Ground To Walk On

Poor man on the street
Although not having much
Other than roof over his head
Clothes to keep warm
Food to evade hunger
Gives thanks for everything above
Including free air to breathe
And ground to walk on

Rich man on the street
Although having so much
On top of mega mansion
Designer clothes
Gourmet food filled pantry
Gives thanks for nothing
Let alone the purified air
And ground to walk on