Monday, April 24, 2017

Delusional May Be

Strangely as men get older
They become more stubborn
Unable to change
In all aspects of life
And personality

On top of holding onto
All sorts of ideas
And notions about life
And everything in it

Hence the salutation
Mister aka Master
To address every man
Who has an opinion on all things

Master of everything
Delusional may be
Except two things they cannot
Life and death

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Find North

You really cannot see
The hair grow on your head
By watching it all day
But it does grow continuously

And after a month
It surely has grown
And after a year
You don't look the same

Such is how the society
The whole world
And its people
Changes over time

Not from good to better
Certainly not from godless
To godly
Or immoral to moral

But all the opposite
Becoming more confused by the day
Mistaking evil for good
Good for evil

Like a compass that cannot
Find North
Taking comfort in knowing
Almost everyone is on board

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


A log floating down the river
Has no choice but to go
Wherever the river takes it 


A man living through time
Has no choice but to go
Wherever the time takes him

After death