Monday, June 27, 2016


There was once a pyramid of ants
On the top sat the king
And on the bottom the soldier ants

One day the ants on the bottom
Seeing rising ground water
Tells the ants just above
"Get off my back so I can escape!"

The ants just above refuses
Thinking if they let them go
They'll be on the bottom to deal with it
So they tell the ants just above
"Get off my back so I can escape!"

The ants just above refuses
Thinking if they let them go
They'll be on the bottom to deal with it
So they tell the ants just above
"Get off my back so I can escape!"

And so on all the way up
To the last two ants just below the king
Unable to ask the king to get off
Says instead
"Sire. There is rising honey at the bottom.
Be the first to claim it."

So the king gets off
And all the ants scatter
From top to bottom
With only the king standing

Just like so many
Top CEOs and leaders
Who only lend ear to those
Right below them
Until it is too little
Too late

Such Is The Dubiousness

Life time warranty
Sounds so honorable

But when the tire company
Offers life time warranty
Excluding everything but
The color of the rubber

When re-piping company
Offers life time warranty
Excluding everything but
The half life of copper atom

And others
Excluding everything but
The gravity of earth

You realize
Such is the dubiousness
Of human mind

Sunday, June 26, 2016


There is no denying
That money is important
An absolute necessity
For survival in this society

But for many rich
It is not only a necessity
But a reason to live
The meaning of their existence

Every decision whether right or wrong
Hinged upon how it affects
Their wallet now or in the future
Sacrificing every bit of their integrity
Or what is left of it

Money being the ultimate
Ruler of their lives
Slaving away to make more
Confusing money as self worth

Propagated by popular notion
That money begets respect
Albeit only from those who
Worship money

Having exchanged their self respect
Integrity honor and soul
To increase their checkbook balance
By a penny or two


Saturday, June 25, 2016

With A Capital "L"

What is worse than
Watching a homeless person
Counting dimes and cents

Is watching someone
Earning over six figures 
Counting dimes and cents

At least the former elicits
Sympathy from the public

Whereas latter elicits
Nothing but shame

Honest homeless person
With integrity

Is 1000x better
Than shady rich person
With no integrity

The former a winner

The latter a loser

With a capital "L"

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Therefore Tomorrow S

One day lived
Is one less day to live

Days lived so far
A finite number X

Days left to live
A finite number Y

Total days of life
A finite number U

Y = U - X

Therefore tomorrow S

S = U - X - 1

S + 1 = U - X

U = S + 1 + X

Which means
Total days of life
Equals all the days lived
Plus tomorrow and next day