Friday, May 20, 2016

Like A Soft Beach Ball

The problem is not
Although it may not be negligible
That parents raise their sons
And daughters like precious
Kings and queens

As such child rearing
Is not uncommon practice
Perhaps more common among
Some cultures than others

But what the real problem
Is that some of these kids
Actually grow up into adulthood
Thinking and acting as if
They are truly kings and queens

Perceiving everyone around them
As pawns and subjects
With delusions of grandeur
Reminiscent of that new Justin
Bieber's song Love Yourself

Ultimately they come to face
The reality crisis
Of understanding why not
They are kings and queens

An understanding that hits them
Like a soft beach ball
Not like a brick
If it hits them at all

Bouncing off their
Beautiful head
Love yourself

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Takes The Back Seat

It is always the same thing
Whether it be the health care
Charitable organizations
Or even religious organizations

All starting out with idealistic
Goals and purpose at the onset
Like patient care
Helping the needy

But slowly but surely with time
And most definitely with success
What was once the main focus
And number one on the list

Takes the back seat
Serving merely as a foundation
Fallen far down the list
To support the bottom line

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Costs Nothing

What is the difference
Between a humble person
Versus not so humble?

The humble feels
Uncomfortable wearing
A crown

Whereas not so humble
Feels uncomfortable
Not wearing one

What is the difference
Between a proud person
Versus not so proud?

The proud believes
Others have to earn
Their respect

Whereas not so proud
Believes their respect
Costs nothing

Friday, May 13, 2016

That Is Natural Without Doubt

Chicken or the egg
Theory of evolution
Big bang theory
And all other abounding theories

What are they but mere
Rationalizations and justifications
Of how things are in this world
To satisfy the curiosity of human mind

To relieve the anxiety of not knowing
Evading the fear of unknown
Suppressing inferiority complex
Establishing false sense of security

Not only for the physical world
The entire universe at the mercy of
Grand theories and explanations
But also for the social, moral, and psychological

Evolution to call it progress
Corruption to call it chaos
And no one likes to admit failure
Fueling the need to justify and rationalize

However the world is
Wherever it is going
Every decision and social movement
Explained and theorized as a natural phenomenon

How else can human beings
Now without God and religion
Find peace at heart without such theories
To justify the current state of the mind

Yet there is another thing
That is natural without doubt
Carrying out all the evil in this world
Human beings

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Going The Other Way

You never quite understand the meaning
Of the word condescending
Until someone actually illustrates
Such attitude on you
Obviously oblivious or nonchalant
Of their arrogant self portrayal
But certainly unaware of or lacking insight
Most definitely lacking intelligence
At least in that aspect of human interaction
To showcase their lack of wisdom
Or social retardation

Otherwise it would be hard to explain
Why would anyone portray such
Self indignant attitude
That does nothing but illicit flagrant
Adjectives from the audience such as
"What an arrogant ____"
"Stupid ____"
To describe such a person

Really there is nothing more detrimental
Or self cataclysmic than
To exhibit a condescending attitude
When the final outcome
Is equal or greater feeling
Going the other way