Thursday, April 21, 2016

Such Foolishness

It is without doubt the
Most spectacular exhibition of
Human foolishness driven by 
Ego and pride that ultimately 
Leads one inevitably into
Self implosion and destruction

Oblivious to the whole picture
Having set their eyes on one 
Tiny spec on the canvas
Making a mountain out of a molehill
Unaware of imminent disaster

Such foolishness 
Not content with what is on the table
Not content with what is ahead
Digging and digging a deeper hole
Into the ground until from whence 
It is too late and too deep to get out

Owing to one fatal character of 
Not knowing when 
To stop

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Aging Faster

Going faster
Always trying to go faster
As if going faster will save time
Leaving more time to
Do other things

Working faster
Always trying to work faster
As if working faster will be profitable
Earning more money to
Buy other things

Communicating faster
Always trying to communicate faster
As if communicating faster is better
Transferring more information to
Say other things

All the while

Slower and slower
Always trying to age slower
As if aging slower will result
In living longer

Faster everything except
Aging faster
A contradiction in
Relative cognition