Saturday, December 31, 2016

To 2016

As another year goes by
Never to return
A new year comes along

Always hoping happy
Happy New Year
Not knowing for sure

To live
And die

Happy to be alive
To welcome another year
The year of rooster

As another year goes by
Never to return
We say good bye 

To 2016

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Even on Christmas

Merry Christmas
Fast losing its meaning
And relevance to Christianity
For celebration

Significant but not knowing
Why the whole world
Almost the whole world

Like celebrating 4th of July
By saying Happy Fireworks
Happy drinking
Happy Holidays

How far far away
From God this country
And its people have gone
In pursuit of self righteousness

How much longer will
Be printed on the money
When God has no place

Even on Christmas

How long

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cracks On The Pavement

There are some things
No matter how hard you try
You just cannot change
And have to accept it

Like the cracks that form
Soon or later
On brand new pavement
No doubt about it

Like the guy who makes
Funny faces behind the reporter
On live outside recording
And proud of it

Like the woman who buys
Shoes on sale at 50% off
Believing she actually
Made money

Yes sir
And countless others
Which are just physics
Or being human

The only difference being
Cracks on the pavement
Is logical
Whereas human behavior

Is not

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Fear Of Unknown

Human beings are just like computers
Except each one is not connected to any other
No wifi connection
No internet connection
No cloud
Just stand alone work station

Each capable of thought
Processing information
Limited to 5 senses of communication
All destined to termination

High IQ with high knowledge
High IQ with low knowledge
Low IQ with high knowledge
Low IQ with low knowledge

Musical IQ
Mathematical IQ
Political IQ
Graphic IQ
Literature IQ
Food IQ
Basketball IQ
And so on and on

To say that racism does not exist
Is to say that each individual
Knows exactly what the other person is
What they are capable of
Just by looking at the image

When in fact what is racism
But a fear of what is inside
The fear of unknown
To render the other inferior
In order to subdue their own
Fear of inferiority

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Spinning Or Time?

Round and round
Spinning around

There is something about spinning
That is inherent in the universe

Protons spinning
Electrons spinning around nucleus
Every particle in an atom spinning

Earth spinning on its slanted axis
Moon spinning around the earth
Together spinning around the sun
Like all other planets of our solar system

In the Milky Way galaxy
The galaxy itself
Spinning around the center
At enormous speed

All inside the universe
Which itself may be spinning
Round and round we go
Spinning around

Seems the only way to stop
Spinning is if time itself stopped
Which leads one to wonder
What came first

Spinning or time?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Democracy without
Guiding principle

Is like steering the Titanic
By democracy of passengers

Free to steer anywhere
As long as majority agrees

Destined to hit
An iceberg

Soon or later

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Trump Nation

There you have it
President Donald Trump
Against all odds
Or rather expectations
And media

Truly remarkable
Astonishing to say the least
Yet a reaffirmation
A confirmation
Of ironclad democracy

To say Hillary and the media
Have not foreseen the outcome
And all but written off Mr. Trump
Would be an understatement
Missing the pulse of the nation

Richter scale of 8
Shock wave throughout the world
And aftershocks
But like jumping into the pool
The visceral sensation is temporary

What comes after
Only time will tell
For sure now is the following
The Trump Tower has become
The Trump Nation

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Almighty

It all comes down to this
Nov 8th 2016
The moment of truth
Hillary vs Donald

One way or the other
A new president
In less than 24 hours
Grand finale

Like a long drawn out movie
But more entertaining
With suspense to the end
You cannot write this stuff

Picture worthy of Oscar
Best actor and actress
Best supporting role

And best director
The Almighty

Monday, October 24, 2016


People say don't judge a book
By its cover

And there are as many 
Interesting covers in this world

As there are mountain tops
And trees on the mountains




Any and all types of professions
From A to Z

Not a single cover
Less appealing than 
What it is covering

Bowing down to no one
If atheist

Bowing only to God
If a believer

Everyone either a king
Or only second to the King


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Pride For Integrity

Some people confuse
Salt for sugar
And vice versa

In the same way
People confuse

Wealth for arrogance
Poverty for humility
Knowledge for intelligence
Profession for wisdom
Power for respect
Honesty for truth

And most importantly
Pride for integrity

Friday, October 14, 2016


It is one thing for person A
To care about how person B
Thinks about person A

But quite another thing
For person A
To care so much about
How person B
Thinks about person B

And person A is not a psychiatrist

In fact some people
Are more preoccupied
With the latter
Than the former scenario


Friday, September 30, 2016

Nor In Heaven

Hungry man
Wants some food
And he may find it

Cold man
Wants warm blanket
And he may find it

Lonely man
Wants a companion
And he may find it

But a rich man
Wants eternal life
And he will never find it

At least not here
On this earth
Nor in heaven
Without God

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Knowledge

When you watch children play
Young children with innocence
Still intact
It becomes obvious

How far far away
Adults have fallen
From the gates of heaven

Knowing yet not knowing
Feeling yet not aware
Possessing yet not understanding

The knowledge
Of good and evil


Tuesday, September 6, 2016


If you can live 500 years
Would you feel less anxious
Or think less about getting old?

What if your probability of living
Until 500 years of age
Is only 30%
By sheer chance of accidental death
Or terminal disease?

What if you could live 1000 years
But the chance of living that long
Is only 10%?

In fact
What if you could live forever?
What are your chances of living


The only way to live forever
Is in the place
Where there is no death

Certainly not of this world

Thursday, August 18, 2016


The road to genuine
Peace and tranquility
Free from all bitterness
And resentment
Is not through revenge
Or even financial success
Nor attainment of power

But through forgiveness
To forgive and be forgiven
Complete and absolute
Of any and all types of
Transgressions by anyone
Or anything regardless of
How trivial or severe

Thereby having nothing left
To forgive or be forgiven

An act independent of
The transgressor
An act impossible and
Meaningless on its own

But possible
And peaceful
Through God


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Trump vs Clinton

Another election year
And not so unlike other years
But particularly more entertaining
This one is sure to be a classic

Trump vs Clinton
Billionaire politically incorrect Donald Trump
First female aka former First Lady Clinton

The former trying hard not to win
The latter trying hard to win

A popularity contest
For the highest office in the nation
For the most powerful country in the world
Setting the prime example of

Democracy gone too far

Monday, July 18, 2016

Porche 911

Theory of evolution
How somehow over eons of time
Soup of organic and inorganic molecules
Slowly came together to form life
Reproducing itself

Is like saying somehow
Over eons of time
At some remote planet in this vast universe
All the elements and molecules
Came together to form
Porsche 911

Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Day

Independence Day
What a feeling it must have been
To be independent
To form a new country

Perhaps that is the reason
Why people get divorced
To be independent
To start a new life

Except those who divorce
Were independent to begin with
Which makes it harder
To be dependent

Whatever the reason may be
For those who are divorced
Independence Day is a tribute
And a cause for celebration

And for those who are married
Independence Day is a reminder
That the country has done
What they could not

And will not

Monday, June 27, 2016


There was once a pyramid of ants
On the top sat the king
And on the bottom the soldier ants

One day the ants on the bottom
Seeing rising ground water
Tells the ants just above
"Get off my back so I can escape!"

The ants just above refuses
Thinking if they let them go
They'll be on the bottom to deal with it
So they tell the ants just above
"Get off my back so I can escape!"

The ants just above refuses
Thinking if they let them go
They'll be on the bottom to deal with it
So they tell the ants just above
"Get off my back so I can escape!"

And so on all the way up
To the last two ants just below the king
Unable to ask the king to get off
Says instead
"Sire. There is rising honey at the bottom.
Be the first to claim it."

So the king gets off
And all the ants scatter
From top to bottom
With only the king standing

Just like so many
Top CEOs and leaders
Who only lend ear to those
Right below them
Until it is too little
Too late

Such Is The Dubiousness

Life time warranty
Sounds so honorable

But when the tire company
Offers life time warranty
Excluding everything but
The color of the rubber

When re-piping company
Offers life time warranty
Excluding everything but
The half life of copper atom

And others
Excluding everything but
The gravity of earth

You realize
Such is the dubiousness
Of human mind

Sunday, June 26, 2016


There is no denying
That money is important
An absolute necessity
For survival in this society

But for many rich
It is not only a necessity
But a reason to live
The meaning of their existence

Every decision whether right or wrong
Hinged upon how it affects
Their wallet now or in the future
Sacrificing every bit of their integrity
Or what is left of it

Money being the ultimate
Ruler of their lives
Slaving away to make more
Confusing money as self worth

Propagated by popular notion
That money begets respect
Albeit only from those who
Worship money

Having exchanged their self respect
Integrity honor and soul
To increase their checkbook balance
By a penny or two


Saturday, June 25, 2016

With A Capital "L"

What is worse than
Watching a homeless person
Counting dimes and cents

Is watching someone
Earning over six figures 
Counting dimes and cents

At least the former elicits
Sympathy from the public

Whereas latter elicits
Nothing but shame

Honest homeless person
With integrity

Is 1000x better
Than shady rich person
With no integrity

The former a winner

The latter a loser

With a capital "L"

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Therefore Tomorrow S

One day lived
Is one less day to live

Days lived so far
A finite number X

Days left to live
A finite number Y

Total days of life
A finite number U

Y = U - X

Therefore tomorrow S

S = U - X - 1

S + 1 = U - X

U = S + 1 + X

Which means
Total days of life
Equals all the days lived
Plus tomorrow and next day

Friday, May 20, 2016

Like A Soft Beach Ball

The problem is not
Although it may not be negligible
That parents raise their sons
And daughters like precious
Kings and queens

As such child rearing
Is not uncommon practice
Perhaps more common among
Some cultures than others

But what the real problem
Is that some of these kids
Actually grow up into adulthood
Thinking and acting as if
They are truly kings and queens

Perceiving everyone around them
As pawns and subjects
With delusions of grandeur
Reminiscent of that new Justin
Bieber's song Love Yourself

Ultimately they come to face
The reality crisis
Of understanding why not
They are kings and queens

An understanding that hits them
Like a soft beach ball
Not like a brick
If it hits them at all

Bouncing off their
Beautiful head
Love yourself

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Takes The Back Seat

It is always the same thing
Whether it be the health care
Charitable organizations
Or even religious organizations

All starting out with idealistic
Goals and purpose at the onset
Like patient care
Helping the needy

But slowly but surely with time
And most definitely with success
What was once the main focus
And number one on the list

Takes the back seat
Serving merely as a foundation
Fallen far down the list
To support the bottom line

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Costs Nothing

What is the difference
Between a humble person
Versus not so humble?

The humble feels
Uncomfortable wearing
A crown

Whereas not so humble
Feels uncomfortable
Not wearing one

What is the difference
Between a proud person
Versus not so proud?

The proud believes
Others have to earn
Their respect

Whereas not so proud
Believes their respect
Costs nothing

Friday, May 13, 2016

That Is Natural Without Doubt

Chicken or the egg
Theory of evolution
Big bang theory
And all other abounding theories

What are they but mere
Rationalizations and justifications
Of how things are in this world
To satisfy the curiosity of human mind

To relieve the anxiety of not knowing
Evading the fear of unknown
Suppressing inferiority complex
Establishing false sense of security

Not only for the physical world
The entire universe at the mercy of
Grand theories and explanations
But also for the social, moral, and psychological

Evolution to call it progress
Corruption to call it chaos
And no one likes to admit failure
Fueling the need to justify and rationalize

However the world is
Wherever it is going
Every decision and social movement
Explained and theorized as a natural phenomenon

How else can human beings
Now without God and religion
Find peace at heart without such theories
To justify the current state of the mind

Yet there is another thing
That is natural without doubt
Carrying out all the evil in this world
Human beings

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Going The Other Way

You never quite understand the meaning
Of the word condescending
Until someone actually illustrates
Such attitude on you
Obviously oblivious or nonchalant
Of their arrogant self portrayal
But certainly unaware of or lacking insight
Most definitely lacking intelligence
At least in that aspect of human interaction
To showcase their lack of wisdom
Or social retardation

Otherwise it would be hard to explain
Why would anyone portray such
Self indignant attitude
That does nothing but illicit flagrant
Adjectives from the audience such as
"What an arrogant ____"
"Stupid ____"
To describe such a person

Really there is nothing more detrimental
Or self cataclysmic than
To exhibit a condescending attitude
When the final outcome
Is equal or greater feeling
Going the other way

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Such Foolishness

It is without doubt the
Most spectacular exhibition of
Human foolishness driven by 
Ego and pride that ultimately 
Leads one inevitably into
Self implosion and destruction

Oblivious to the whole picture
Having set their eyes on one 
Tiny spec on the canvas
Making a mountain out of a molehill
Unaware of imminent disaster

Such foolishness 
Not content with what is on the table
Not content with what is ahead
Digging and digging a deeper hole
Into the ground until from whence 
It is too late and too deep to get out

Owing to one fatal character of 
Not knowing when 
To stop

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Aging Faster

Going faster
Always trying to go faster
As if going faster will save time
Leaving more time to
Do other things

Working faster
Always trying to work faster
As if working faster will be profitable
Earning more money to
Buy other things

Communicating faster
Always trying to communicate faster
As if communicating faster is better
Transferring more information to
Say other things

All the while

Slower and slower
Always trying to age slower
As if aging slower will result
In living longer

Faster everything except
Aging faster
A contradiction in
Relative cognition

Friday, March 18, 2016

To Utopian Society

Democracy is fair
Much better than communism
Or anarchism

There is no better way
To satisfy and govern millions
Of people living inside a country
Giving power to the people

But it has one fundamental flaw
Perhaps dependent on the perspective
From which some may say it is
Not a flaw but rightful self determination

However it maybe perceived
The assumption that human beings
En masse will inherently self propagate
To utopian society

Or not even to that extent
But just make progress over time
No matter how slowly
To achieve that end

Is an assumption that
At best is only a hope
And at worst
A wishful thinking

Friday, March 4, 2016

When Providence Delivers

The problem is that
No one knows what
The other person is thinking
Even if they tell each other
All hours of the day

As one could be lying
But more often what they say
Is not quite what they are thinking
As most thoughts are
Out of touch with subconscious
Leaving the opponent guessing

Presuming the best if optimist
Presuming the worst if pessimist
No matter how close their relationship
Ought to have been worth something

All bets are off
All relationships worthless
Loyalty courtesy friendship out the window
And the only one standing
Stands wondering
Until that day

When providence delivers

Monday, February 22, 2016

To It Is J

There's certainly no shortage
Of wise sayings about life
From Chinese fortune cookies
To philosophers
From janitors to presidents
And random tweets by random people
All trying their best
To demonstrate understanding
Hoping and striving
To live a better life
Some sayings being true
While others way off base
But no one questions
If A then B
It is C therefore D
When E it is A
After G then B
To it is J
And all combinations of
When if after is then to should
While the only one that matters
The one that is not a saying
But truth beyond reason
Eludes many

Saturday, February 6, 2016

My Way Or The Highway

It is truly fascinating
To watch someone
Whose entire interactions
In any and all types of
Situations in life
Hinged on the dogma
My way or the highway
Rarely unaware
But usually in denial

Having no regard
To anything or anyone
But himself or herself
Racking up collateral damage
Blaming everyone and everything
But himself or herself
Not being able to tolerate
Those who they cannot control
Perceiving them as threats
To their way of life

Ceaselessly searching
Until they find a way
To eliminate and destroy
Those who are more tolerant
With ingrained mantra
A lifelong devotion of
My way or the highway

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

As A Clam

Most people think
Turning the other cheek
As referenced in the bible
To mean be at peace
Don't fight back
And forgive 

But what it actually means
Is to give the opponent
Someone who is obviously angry
At  you for whatever reason 
An opportunity to express that anger

To let them fulfill their evil desire
And feel satisfied
Content at having expressed 
That pent up negative energy

Hence turn the other cheek

Or simply 
Just provide them a box 
Of girl scout cookies
For purchase

And they will be happy
As a clam
Having refused to purchase
One box

Friday, January 29, 2016

Beginning Of Time

Does time exist in absolute zero energy?
In relative stand point of being present
Within the space of zero energy
There is no concept of time

From outside looking in
To the space of zero energy
There will be no matter
No heat
No gravity
No light
No time

Just empty space
Of nothing but infinite
The only thing independent 
Of energy 
And time

And in this space
Our universe exists
With so much energy
And so much time

Beginning of time
From nothing

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Pitch of a Sound

How is it possible
That a man who can question
The existence of God
Cannot tell what will happen
A day
An hour
Or a minute from now?

It is like sailor questioning
The existence of wind
But cannot tell whether
The boat is moving
On a moving boat

Or a musician questioning
The pitch of a sound
But cannot tell whether
It is flat or sharp

Yet man dares to question
The existence of God
As if he should be able to tell
If God really does exist

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Is Oil

On the precipice of energy
Facing inevitable decline
In consumption

The very greed that
Drove up the price
Now drives the price
To bottomless pit

Approaching zero
Dollars per barrel
Free oil for all

Too late too little
After wheels of clean energy
Have started turning

And the very thing
That made it turn
Ever more smoothly
But surely

Is oil

Sunday, January 10, 2016

1.3 Billion

1.3 billion
That is the jack pot
A staggering amount of money
For the Powerball

The odds of winning
Almost zero with imperceptible almost
But not zero
And for that not zero chance
People are willing to pay

For almost no chance at all
With hope and fantasy

But when it comes to God
Jesus Christ
And everlasting life after death
The same people who will
Buy lotto tickets with life savings
Will not pay a dollar
For something that is worth
Far far greater
Than 1.3 billion

And the odds?

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Every Single Move

Iranian and Saudi clash
Ongoing Middle East crisis
Chinese stock market crash
North Korean nuclear bomb test
American uproar with executive gun control
To name a few
Not a good start for 2016

But the last one regarding gun control
Namely the background check stipulation
Really is manufactured bad
For the sake of opposing and refusing
Without any justifiable logical ground
To take that opposing stance other than
The mere fact of standing in the opposite corner

It is rather puzzling to see all the media
Politicians and general public
All caught up in the fighting stance
Arguing blaming chastising this act
As something really bad has happened
Eliciting second amendment
Constitutional rights
Over reaching
Heating up the social media wave
Conjuring up imaginary scenarios

For what?
Requiring a background check?
For selling deadly weapon used in wars?

Every single citizen in this country
In order to drive a car
Has to reach a certain age
Then pass a written test
Go to DMV
Pass eye exam
Then take driving test
Get an insurance
And wear the sit belt
In order to drive a car
Not as deadly as a gun
But deadly nonetheless
To make sure each driver knows the rules
Is not half blind
Knows how to drive
And is financially covered

But now the president
Not any president of any company or country
The President of United States
The most powerful country in the world
In order to make the country more safe
To decrease the number of guns in unwanted hands
Preserving the rights of all citizens to own a gun
Makes an executive order for background checks
And really there are people standing opposed?

It is really sad to see
How every single step
Every single move
This first black president of our country makes
Is opposed not based on its substance
But merely for the sake of opposing

It has become too often and too repetitive
That people no longer expect anything else
Nor care about the substance
Just happy and content to oppose
To satisfy their desire to oppose

How could they have gone to the DMV
Took a test and got eye exam
Then took another test to drive
And wear sit belts?
How can they succumb to such government control?

There is a point when argument has to stop
When it is clear that the sky is blue
Not orange