Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In Constant State of Flux

These days
You cannot say a word
Or a phrase
About anyone or anything
Without offending someone
Or anyone

It is almost as if freedom of speech
Is only free
As long as you say the right stuff
Politically correct stuff

Or else you will get chastised
Labeled as an ignorant
Uneducated bigot
Looked upon with disdain

People place themselves
In such high regard
Morally and ethically superior
Ultimately proud
And self righteous
To say or more like not to say
Things that will offend others

It has become more important
To certain people
Most people
To be politically correct
Than to be right

Totally confused and misled
To think that what is politically correct
Is what is right
Or rather
What must be right

In constant state of flux
Right in the past
Wrong at present
Right at present
Wrong tomorrow

The sooner one realizes
That the only thing true
Remains true through the test of time
Sooner will seek the truth
And see the truth