Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why The Universe Is So Big

If you ask ten people
To lay tiles on the floor
You will get ten different degrees of perfection

From worst with tiles misaligned in all directions
To best with all tiles in perfect lines

Suppose all ten are equally intelligent
Then what is the difference?

The difference is the degree of laziness
Lack of motivation
Lack of patience
And indifference

It is not that anyone cannot do a perfect job
But some people just do not want to do it
Unless there is some reward
Or punishment

Without any incentive
It is lifelong mediocrity
In anything and everything
Just enough to get by

The problem occurs
When such people encounter
Those that demand perfection
And they do not understand why

Why perfection is demanded
Just as they do not understand
Why the universe is so big

Friday, November 15, 2013

Even For Those

If there was no greed
There would be no poor

If there was no crime
There would be no punishment

If there was no sickness
There would be no pain

If there was no hate
There would be no wars

But there are all those
And so much more

Evil in this world

If there is no God
There would be no salvation

Even for those
Who are not evil