Friday, September 20, 2013

Another Day

About ten minutes I walk
To reach a place on the beach
Just by the road side
With sandy ground and tall weeds

On a clear sunny day
The sun low on the horizon

There is spent camp fire from the night before
Burnt woods gathered in center
Surrounded by logs and rocks

I find an open spot by the weeds
And sit leaning back on a log
Legs stretched out
Feeling the softness of sand

It is a cool afternoon 
Not quite winter but almost there 
Like 65 degrees getting cooler
Soft gusts of wind blowing time to time

Looking down I see
The waves crashing onto the shore
Where the ocean has receded and dark brown sand glistens 
Reflecting the setting sun

Far away at one end of the beach
I can see some people fishing
And wonder whether it was a good day

The beach stretches for miles to the other end
Being flat and almost seeming endless
People walking their dogs 
Children running and playing
Sound of the waves muffling their laughter

I look over the sea
Vast open sea as wide as the sky
The horizon appearing inperceptively curbed
With a tanker ship silhouetted by light
Appearing stationary 
But moving towards some destination

Sun is almost touching the horizon 
Its rays reflected on the ocean
Always looking bigger somehow 
As it is about to set

Few white clouds float far away 
Partially covering the sun
Already with some hint of orange
But slowly getting darker and richer
In pink, orange, and violate

And in front of the clouds
A flock of birds in perfect harmony
Migrates to warmer south

I lean back even more
And notice the crescent white moon 
Just starting to show

And from campfire afar
The scent of burning wood
Is carried by the wind

Everything in slow motion
In no hurry to end the day
Being part of the earth
Savoring each moment 

As I sit there admiring
The beauty, peace, and tranquility
Forgetting the passage of time
Watching the sun
Set to mark the end
Of another day

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And Always Will Be

A moment can last a life time
And a lifetime only a moment
But nothing can exist
Without existing forever
Since time is infinite 
A momentary existence
Divided by infinity of time
Is nonexistent
Therefore it must be
Whatever was always is
And always will be
Just in different form
Of existence
For some