Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Initial Choice

Everyone makes mistakes
And some mistakes are immediately apparent
While others take years to realize

But what constitutes a mistake?
Undesired outcome?
Unexpected result?

There is a difference between mistakes
And accidents

Accidents happen unintentionally
By forces outside of your control

Mistakes happen
When one makes a choice
And the result is not good

The act of choosing
Is not a mistake

The mistake is
Thinking that the choice
Is the right one

But since there is no way
To see the future

Whatever drives one to think
That a choice is the right choice

At that particular moment
Is not a mistake

So in essence
There are no mistakes in life
Just bad outcomes

And the outcomes
Are usually  based on
Your choices made after

The initial choice

Sunday, August 4, 2013

No Finish Line

You can only climb a mountain
If the mountain stays a mountain

You can only reach the summit
If the summit remains still

You can only win the race
If there is a finish line

But people of this world
Tries to climb a mountain that is not

Tries to reach the summit
That keeps on moving

Racing toward
No finish line

One blind man
Thousand blind men 

With a guiding principle
The principle of men

Blind men