Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wishful Thinking

Often people say
That everything that happens
Happens for a reason

As if to say
That for anything that happens
There is a purpose

That purpose and reason
Came before the event

Like each particular event
Was planned in advance

By some supreme being
Watching over you

Wishful thinking

But that is just what
People want to believe

To accept the situation
To comfort their mind

For everything that happens
Is nothing more
Than ball bouncing off the wall

Just a consequence
To everything that happens before

If there is only one event
One event only
For which there is a reason

Is that you were born

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Total Waste

The value of a gift
Its worth

Is not determined by
Its cost in money
Its authenticity
Its rarity
Its usefulness

Nor is it determined by
Who the giver is
How it is packaged
Or delivered

The value of a gift
However big or small
Its total worth

Is independent of the gift itself
And solely determined by 
The attitude of the giver
And the receiver

Bottom line

Don't waste money in buying expensive gifts
Unless you want to
But if it is unappreciated
It is worthless

A total waste

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Other Way Around

Some people are truly rich
And it shows

Some people are truly rich
And it doesn't show

Some people are truly poor
And it shows

Some people are truly poor
And it doesn't show

Some people are truly rich
But appear poor

Some people are truly poor
But appear rich

Some people are neither rich or poor
And who knows how they appear

But one thing is for sure
No matter how rich or poor

Money doesn't care one bit
It's the other way around

Friday, November 16, 2012

Sadly that is True

Fighting and fighting

As long as there has been record
Fighting is part of the story

War after war
Killing after killing
Empires rising and falling

In any and every situation
With spouses
We fight

Is it human nature?
To fight until death do us part?

Sadly that is true
For everyone

For the true battle
Lies within

Until you find peace

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Stand

Cold winter night
Looking up at the sky
Gazing into infinity
That which has no end
I stand
Infinitely far away
From a place
Infinitely far


Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Rich Man

The difference between 
A rich man who is blessed
From a rich man who is not

Is that the former
Never wanted to be rich

While the latter
Always wanted to be