Saturday, September 29, 2012

Egg Against the Wall

There are situations in life
Where no matter how hard you try
The outcome cannot be changed

Like trying to steer the ship with your bare hands
Or throwing egg against the wall
It is a futile attempt

The sooner you realize the futility
The sooner you can decide

Either to stop trying
And accept the situation as is
Or walk away

Either way
Is a no win situation

But better than
Throwing egg against the wall

Saturday, September 1, 2012

One Day For Sure

Hot days of the summer
Cool days of the fall
Cold days of the winter
Warms days of the spring

Seasons come and go
Like clouds in the sky

But your life will never come again
At least not in the same way

Once you leave the life you live

One day for sure

Closer today than yesterday