Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Knight in the Shining Armor

The Knight in the shining armor
Is not looking for the princess

The princess is also not looking
For the Knight in the shining armor

But the princess is waiting
For the Knight to show up

Waiting and waiting

Finally a Knight in the shining armor does appear
But since he is not looking for the princess
He passes by

The princess however does nothing
Since the Knight in the shining armor
Cannot be forced to love the princess

So many Knights come and go
But the Knight in the shining armor never stops

One day a Knight in a dull armor appears
And stops to confess his love for the princess

The princess having lost hope but longing for love
Accepts the Knight in the dull armor

And after years of propinquity and contact
The dull armor it once was

Became as bright as
The Knight in the Shining Armor