Friday, June 24, 2011

Right from Wrong

Legalizing or illegalizing

Has nothing to do with

Right from wrong

Government can legalize anything

If enough people voted for it

Abortion? Smoking? Prostitution?

How about polygamy? or Stealing?

Or perhaps killing? oh wait....

That is legal for capital punishment

The problem lies

In thinking that anything that is legal

Is justification that it is right

Far from the truth

Because blind is leading the blind

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Excluding Crime

The way I see it
People really don't care
They just like to talk about it

And a lot actually enjoy talking
About other people's mishaps

And that is exactly
What many people are
Afraid of

Not the act itself but
The reaction that it will generate

The truth is however
Talkers are envious
Of the doers

The more outrageous
The more envious

Excluding crime of course