Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy New Year!

A year goes by
Like nothing happened
Just goes by

New year comes
Like it or not
Just comes

People are happy
Hoping for the better
Just happy

That the year
Went by

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

Snow falls
From the sky

As love grows
From inside

And people bustle by
From here to there
With season’s greetings

Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 20, 2010

What's Better?

What's better?

Being tired from partying too much?
Or tired from working too much?

Hungry from not enough food?
Or hungry to lose weight?

Angry from being yelled at?
Or angry to be yelling at?

Having someone to love?
Or having someone who loves you?

What's better

Is not being tired, hungry, or angry
And just loving either way

Friday, December 17, 2010

Clock of Infinite Asymmetry Paradox

If the clock above has infinite asymmetry, then how is it possible after 12 hours it comes back to its starting position? 

Thursday, December 9, 2010


After the fall of the Empire the jedis of both the light and dark side of the force were lost without purpose and direction. After many years of struggle an entity was established to give them new ways to channel their force.  A new purpose and meaning of life were given to the lost generation of Jedis. 
The entity is Intergalactic Jedi Golf Federation.
The origin of IJGF is with the Star Fleet Federation of Earth whom the Jedis encountered during their lost voyage. They were introduced to the challenging and force demanding game of golf and they are forever thankful especially to the crew of the Starship Enterprise.
Many lost jedis from far corners of the universe gathered to join the Intergalactic Jedi Golf Federation. Little did they know new generation of jedis with golforce will restore the balance of the universe.
This is the story of how it all began.....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

But Why Can't It Be?

Try to be at peace
But anger overtakes

Try to be happy
But sadness overwhelms

Try to be calm
But fear overpowers

Try to be.....

But why can't it be
The other way around?


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shinpro's Theory of Relative Relativity

Wanna Move Away? Part-II

And the answer?

In Part-I of "Wanna Move Away?" the post ended with a question "Is it true?".
And the answer is no. In space there is no limit on how fast an object can travel relative to its original starting position. This defies currently available calculation but at the same time the calculation is correct if one applies Einstein's Theory of Relativity. 

In order to understand the concept of traveling faster than speed of light one needs to just throw a ball in the direction of travel within the spaceship that  is traveling at speed of light. As everyone knows a ball will behave in a moving vehicle at constant speed exactly as it would in stationary vehicle as long as there is no acceleration or deceleration. 

So for a brief period that the ball is flying forward in a ship flying at the speed of light, that ball is flying faster than the speed of light relative to the ships previous position. The key word here is relative. The actual speed of the ball inside the spaceship may only be 30 miles per hour relative to the spaceship. Based on this relative criteria the formula that limits travel speed at speed of light holds. It only means that no object can travel faster than the speed of light RELATIVE to its ORIGINAL speed which is at constant. 

Now let's take this outside the space ship. In order to apply this to empty space there needs to be another concept that needs to be understood. 

Let's suppose you travel deep deep into empty cosmos where the closest star is 1 million light years away, stop your spaceship (if you can somehow manage to know what stop is) , go out on the deck and hit a golf ball off the tee away from your spaceship. Any direction will do. Now this golf ball will just fly away from you and keep going, going, and air, no resistance, just keeps on flying through the space in the direction it took off from your club as long as there is no gravitational pull.

What this means is that in space an object in motion can move from one position to another without expending any energy. How can this be? Since there's nothing in space to slow down a moving object there needs to be no energy applied to move through anything except to start the motion and pull away from gravity. 

The problem is, there is no way to determine what is moving or not moving in space without a reference point. Even if a reference point is found there is no way to know whether the reference point itself is moving  or stationary. All things in the universe are in motion including our solar system and even the Milkyway Galaxy. At tremendous speeds which none of us feel sitting at home watching TV. 

Earth is moving at tremendous speed around the sun and anyone running in the direction of Earth's rotation around the sun is actually faster than the Earth but no one measures our running speed in reference to Earth's previous position. 

Back to achieving unlimited speed in space. Let's assume five ships are joined at the sides in tandem and takes off from Earth reaching constant speed of light. Once the desired light speed is reached the ship requires no more energy to maintain its constant speed and everything inside the ship will behave as though the ship is not moving.  After traveling at this speed the ship #2 through 5 disengage and take off achieving speed of light relative to ship #1. Then ship #3 to 5 disengage from ship #2 and take off to achieves speed of light relative to ship #2, and so on until ship #5 itself achieving speed of light relative to ship #4. Each ship is traveling at speed of light relative to it's original speed but ship #5 is five times faster than ship #1 traveling at speed of light. 

The current equation limiting speed of travel at speed of light is formulated using mathematics that came after physical world and human beings. It is nothing more than human effort to explain and understand the physical world. It is only a tool to explain the universe limited by requiring a frame of reference. Anything outside the realm of our frame of reference the mathematics as we know it cannot calculate. Who invented mathematics anyway? It is a two dimensional linear philosophy to explain three dimensional world. Since our sense of reality is based on three dimensional world there is no way any human being can use anything other than simple mathematics to explain the world. There lies the limitations of human understanding. What is gravity in mathematical terms other than to explain that it exists? 

Shinpros Theory of Relative Relativity contends that the speed of light is not a constant but affected by gravity from the star which it originated from. Light from a star that is 100 times larger will produce light that has speed slower than light escaping from smaller star due to differences in gravity. Such light will be more affected by the gravity of another star and bend more than the light that has higher speed. 

Such differences when incorporated in to calculation might bring Einstein's theory of gravitational bending of light around our sun to be more accurate.

Just some things that wonder through my mind during the night shift............And of course, none of the above is  mathematically proven at this point, just a conjecture. But then again, mathematics cannot prove something it cannot calculate.

X + 1 = X as X approaches infinity is the limit of human mathematics.