Sunday, October 31, 2010


Stop light, apple, Santa outfit, blood
A primary color
Color of rose, love, burning
Also rage, anger
So part of this world
A world without red
So dull and boring
It is just a color
Identified by the letters R.E.D.
World made up of colors
Our sense of reality
Limited by our stage
Like a fish in the tank

Friday, October 29, 2010

Not Everything

Not everything you see
Is what it appears to be

Not everything you hear
Is what it sounds to be

Not everything you touch
Is what it feels to be

But everything you do
Will have a lasting effect

On everyone around you

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wondering Why

So I was sitting on the bench
In the backyard one day
Long time ago
When I was fifteen I believe
Just sitting there looking
Up at the blue sky with trees
Dancing in the wind
Sun shining through the leaves
In the hot summer afternoon
Watching the cloud floating by
Birds chirping in the trees
And I was listening
To Sibelius finlandia
With my walkman
And now I look back
Wondering why
Such an insignificant day
Lingers in my memory
But I am glad
I still remember

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

But a Man?

A bee has a purpose
A tree has a purpose

Rain has a purpose
Fire has a purpose

Even the rock
To form the earth

But a man?
Does it not have a purpose?

To kill, to rob, and to rage wars?
To hate, to lie, and to be proud?

The purpose of a man
May not be apparent

But it is greater
Than all else

Monday, October 25, 2010

Like an Idiot

Everyone wants to be happy
But most cannot achieve it
Because they don't know what happiness is

It is like trying to find something
Not knowing what
But keeps on looking

Like an idiot

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Time Traveler

We are all Time travelers
Traveling at the Speed of
One hour Every hour
Bon Voyage!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shinpro's Theory of Relative Cognition

According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, time is not a constant.
You can slow down or speed up time based on relative position and speed of travel.

According to Shinpro's Theory of Relative Cognition, time is also not a constant.
However, you can slow down or speed up time based on the amount of work performed.

Speed of Time = Amount of Work/time

Indicates that to increase speed of time one must do more work or spend less time doing same amount of work.

Speed of Time (Time) = Amount of Work

Indicates that if one does no work at all, then it means either the Speed of Time was "zero" or that person spent "no time" doing any work.

Time = Amount of Work/Speed of Time

Indicates that with increase in the amount of work time will also increase. In order to keep time constant one must increase the speed of time with increase in amount of work. This is the most difficult.


Monday, October 11, 2010

You Know What?

You got a quarter?
How about a dollar?
Here y'go
10 dollars?
No problem
But I need a $100
Why not
On second thought I need a $1000
Are you sure?
You sure now...
Oh heck....let's make it a million dollars~!
Let's make it!
Wait wait, can you make it 10 million?
You are kidding right?
No, I'm serious.
Ok, ten million it is. 

But you know what?
I don't have that kinda money

Here's five dollars
Buy yourself a cup of coffee

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Whatever That May Be

Everyone's so proud
Proud to be
Whatever that may be

Everyone's so great
Great to be
Whatever that may be

So proud
So great
For whatever that may be

But whatever that may be
Ain't worth a penny
When the time comes

Whenever that may be

Thursday, October 7, 2010


If I could only 
Only fly through
Through the time

I could go
Go far back
Back from here

And find 
Find what I lost
Lost long time ago


Either Way

Screaming and yelling
Punching and kicking
Frowning with bitterness
Frustration and resentment

pause, pause

Laughing and giggling
Jumping with joy
Smiling with contentment
Full of satisfaction

now, now

What is a man without feelings
Or a woman without emotion

But one thing is for sure
Some people let the world control their emotion
Some people let their emotion control the world

Either way
Life goes on with
Or without your feelings

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The Truth
Whether You Believe It
Or Not
Will Forever Remain True

What You Believe
Has No Bearing
On The Truth

It Is Like Your Age
That Will Not Change
Because You Believe

If You Do Not Know The Truth
Seek And You Shall Find

And Once You Have Found It
Only Faith
Can Make You Say
It Is True

The Wall

If  you stare at the wall long enough

You will realize that life is a journey

Walking backwards


Blades of Grass

As once light sabers sliced through thin air........
So do our golf clubs through blades of grass...........


Elusive is 
To catch one birdie in golf
Like one birdie 
Sitting on the branch



Wisdom over Intelligence
Intelligence over Knowledge
Knowledge over Ignorance
The Biggest Virtue 
In Human Life
Is Humility


Sun comes up
Sun goes down
Friends come by
Friends go by
A day goes by
And never comes back


Heat Scorching
Sweat Drenching

Cold Freezing
Skin Shivering

Eagle Scoring
Jack Jumping

Where Can't I Go?

Can i go east?
Can i go west?
Can i go north?
Can i go south?
Then where can't I go?
Where you cannot go.

The Day of OB Major

The Day of OBM
Tardy Was KDM

Yoda Had Yet Another Technique
But Needed to be at The Clinic

Maul Started Out Powerfully Strong
But Left Early for a Party Throng

Vader Fought the Unrelenting "Press"
And Won the Tournament Under Duress

One Day to OB Major

One Day to OBM
Lightening Strikes KDM

Yoda Tries a New Technique
But Doesn't Have the Physique

Maul Swings a Pitching Wedge
But Sadly Skulls the Top Edge

Vader Strikes the Ball Center
And Into the Hole it Enters



It is a sport
Where you hit the ball
With a stick
From one end
To the other end
Into a cup
On the open field

So simple in concept
Yet so hard
And Maddening
And frustrating

But it is a sport
That no other sport can match
In giving the invigoration
Of yelling “FORE!!!”

To The Horizon

You Can Walk
You Can Drive
Or Even You Can Fly
A Day
A Month
Or Even Entire Life
But at The End
You Will Not
Be One Inch Closer
To The Horizon

One Birdie at Sunset

One Birdie At
Sunset Sleeping
In The Evening To
Dream The Fantasy That
One Day Finally
Have Reached The Far End Wakes
Up To The Wind Only
To Go Back To
His Dream

One Birdie at Sun Dawn

One Birdie At
Sun Dawn Looking
Over The Horizon To
Ponder The Possibility That
By Sunset Perhaps
Can Reach The Far End Jumps
Off The Branch Only
To Return Home To
His Nest

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